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Writer's pictureRica Jane F. Silva

Come and Believe

And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭35‬ ‭

God is our sustenance. He is the one we can depend on in each and everyday. He is our source of strength and comfort.

Just as food and water are essential for human life, everyday realities point us to spiritual truths...

We need Jesus even more than we need the essentials of life. To come to Jesus is to believe in Jesus, and when you do, your thirst is quenched and your stomach is satisfied, because Jesus indeed is the only one who can quench the thirst of our souls, can satisfy our every desire. Whoever comes to Christ will never be hungry and whoever believes in Him shall never thirst.

We can search for fulfillment in our work and relationships, as well as in money, fame, power, sex, achievement, and adventure. But it all results in emptiness. It's all like chasing after the wind.

So let's not just follow Jesus merely for what He has to offer, but for who He is. Let's realize that this world will never satisfy, but we already have access to true nourishment.

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