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Writer's pictureRica Jane F. Silva

Faith for the Impossible

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past her age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

Hebrews 11:11

For a normal person, the things that happened to Sarah were impossible. It’s literally like seeing a mountain move to the sea. Doubting is much easier than faith; sometimes we forget about who God is and His power to do the impossible because we are clouded with our own limitations. Sarah began as a doubter before she became a person of faith. She even laughed when she overheard God’s promise to Abraham that she would bear a son because of her old age. Who would ever think or believe that a 90-year-old Sarah, who was barren for a very long time, could conceive a seed and have a baby? But God countered her with a question, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” If God were to ask you the same, how would you feel? These words must have touched Sarah’s heart.


But just like anyone of us, Sarah tends to do things her way to make the promise of God happen in a believable way, underestimating what God is capable of doing. She devised her own system of having a child.


In our journey of walking by faith, there will be times that our faith will be tested and shaken, but if we could just let God do His own ways, we would realize that it is too easy for Him. He is the God of extraordinary, and He can do what He says He will do even if it is outside our own limitations.


It took some time for Sarah to believe God’s promise. She needed to learn the lesson of Isaiah 40:31, where the person who waits on the Lord will renew their strength. Eventually, Sarah matured and became an example of believing women. By faith, Sarah believed God’s promise that Abraham would not only have a child but that he would be the father of a great nation. She judged Him faithful who had promised.


God is faithful to His promises, even if for you, it seems impossible.

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