But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
It’s almost Christmas! Today, I was wrapping some gifts for my loved ones, a simple act of gratitude to all of them because they deserve it. As I was in the middle of putting the presents underneath the Christmas tree, God suddenly asked me a question that gave me time to pause and think. “How far can you give?"If the person is undeserving because he/she hurts you in some way, would you still be able to get him/her a gift or a present?
This got me thinking about giving only to those who can get us something, but never to those who are undeserving. Jesus did the most amazing thing and gave us the greatest gift, His life. He did that so we can be free from the powers of darkness and sin. We are undeserving of that sacrifice because we are sinners, but because of His great love, we received the greatest gift of God.
In this verse, Paul explains that while we were still distant from God and running from Him, God sent Jesus to die for us. It's through this that God displays His ultimate love for us as children.
Paul isn't just speaking in theory—he is speaking from experience! God met Paul in the midst of his work to persecute Christians. And while Paul was an enemy of God, God still made a way for Paul to come back to the heart of Jesus.
The same is true of us.