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God Smiles at You

The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭25‬ ‭

It’s easy to get so caught up in the chaos of life that you forget to enjoy God’s presence. If you live under the tyranny of the urgent, before you know it, your life will be a constant hustle to keep up with the pace. One way to fight against a frantic mind is to slow down and experience God’s delight in you.

He smiles over you, and He wants you to have a tangible understanding of His love.

When you are tempted to give in to anxiety or a constant need for productivity, shift your mind to God’s perspective. Take time to revel in His love for you. Breathe deeply and remember what really matters.

God is your respite and your source of strength. No matter what storms you face, He is with you. No matter how confusing, unexpected, or frustrating your circumstances are, He is faithful. You can be strengthened by His kindness and encouraged by His delight.

He longs for you to turn toward Him.

Let God’s blessing wash over you. God desires good things for your life. Rest in His kindness and let His peace soothe your tired soul. You are held and eternally loved by your Maker. He keeps you, and He hems you in. He wants you to experience His affection and know that He is smiling over you.

You are dear to Him, and nothing can remove you from His hands.

Run to Him, pour your heart out at His feet, and let His delight in you be a source of encouragement. Whenever you turn to Him, He will respond with abundant grace and mercy.

He will always be there for you when you need Him.

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