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Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalm 20:7

Do you believe that nothing is too hard for the Lord? Literally nothing. God can do even the things that seem impossible. He makes a way when there is no way. So, in whatever we are facing, let us not forget that instead of relying on our own understanding and putting confidence in our limited abilities, we should trust that the God who parted the sea, calmed the storm, raised the dead to life, and healed the sick is the same God who will do great miracles in your life.

Some trust in their own skills and abilities, riches, wealth, and intelligence, but I trust in the Lord my God! In every trial, every moment of uncertainty, and every battle we face, may our faith be unwavering, our hope steadfast, and our trust firmly rooted in the God who never fails. Trust in the One who never fails!

Pause for a moment and say, "God, I put my trust in You."

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