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Writer's pictureRica Jane F. Silva


while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18

It takes determination to look at the right things. This verse is encouraging us, believers, to fix our eyes on things that are unseen, such as spiritual truths and eternal realities that transcend the physical realm rather than possessions, wealth, circumstances, and struggles, which are temporary aspects of our lives.


Get your eyes off of your problems and look to what you have in eternity. Let us divert our focus from the things we see around us that are temporary and will eventually pass away to the things we can’t see, like hope and eternal life, because these are lasting and more important than anything in this world.


Even though life on earth can be tough, we should remember that the things we hope for in the future, which are eternal, are far more valuable than the struggles we face now. We should align our priorities and choices with God’s eternal purposes. Let us always remember to continue to walk by faith and not by sight and exercise it by trusting in His character, relying on His guidance, living in obedience, and investing in spiritual growth. Pray, study God’s word, participate in fellowships, and aim for an intimate relationship with Him so we may have hope, endurance, and wisdom as we navigate through life.


Our true identity, purpose, and ultimate fulfillment are found in our relationship with the eternal God and His kingdom. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!


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