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Rise Again

For a righteous man may fall seven times

And rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.

Proverbs 24:16

When you received Christ, you became a target. Satan will do everything just to make you fall. The Devil wants to trip you, using whoever at whatever he can to throw you into a ditch.


Because we have faith in Jesus, He has become our righteousness, and so we are declared righteous in front of God, but that doesn’t mean we are perfect. We still stumble, fall, and make mistakes. God will continually transform, shape, and mold us until the day we die.


The important thing isn’t what made you fall or how many times you have fallen. What’s important is that when you fall, you rise again like a baby trying and learning how to walk. It’s the art of bouncing.


Let us continue praying that we’ll eventually walk the Christian life without falling, but if we do fall, don’t stay down and think that God has given up on you. As long as you are breathing, you still have the chance, but don’t take God’s kindness and mercy for granted. Never use His love as a reason to stay in sin and never learn from it; rather, let Him be the reason for you to make things right and never make the same mistakes again.


God has not given up on you. Look up, and you’ll see the risen Lord Jesus holding His hand out, ready to lift you back on your feet again.

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