I said, “I will guard my ways, Lest I sin with my tongue; I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle, While the wicked are before me.” I was mute with silence, I held my peace even from good; And my sorrow was stirred up.
Psalms 39:1-2
Words are powerful. We all fall short of God's glory and have areas in our lives and language that need to be refined. Our words have the power to dictate many things in our lives.
God spoke the world into existence!
Words can re-present who we are through our conversations and shift the atmosphere.
Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that when our words are unsubmitted to God, our words can breed death. In James chapter 3, we learn that we move in the direction we speak. This chapter also shows that no man alone can tame the tongue.
When we accept Jesus into our hearts, the Holy Spirit lives within us, and we are sanctified.
We all need the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to help us progress in our hearts so that our words reflect God's love. Love, kindness, and self-control are fruits of the Spirit that empower us to walk in wisdom and discernment.
As you continue to pray, ask yourself, “is my speech edifying and bringing glory to God?”
Imagine the impact you can have to re-present God for transformation in Christ by allowing the Holy Spirit to dictate your speech.