And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.”
Luke 22:35 NKJV
This serves as a powerful reminder to those who have answered God's call to "go". Those who have left their jobs, families, businesses, and studies, those who have sold their properties and left their homes, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters—those who have made countless sacrifices and have followed Him with nothing but unwavering faith in the One who called Him.
If you find yourself doubting your future, or perhaps worried about the future of your children, or even struggling with your daily needs, you may be asking the Lord, now that you have forsaken everything, instead of asking "what shall I have?" Let's ask ourselves, "did I lack anything?" NOTHING!
The God who commissioned us will never allow us to lack anything. Remember, He is our ultimate source. Have faith in Him, for He shall sustain us and meet all our needs, without us resorting to begging or experiencing any disgrace.
Just as Jesus did when proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, healing the sick, casting out demons, and setting the captives free. We are co-workers in the Father's Business! Oh, what a noble and honorable mission we have been entrusted with! Let us not be dismayed or discouraged. No, my friends, this is not a loss but rather a promotion!
I pray that you and the ministries that God has entrusted to you thrive and bear much fruit, and may you reap the rewards of your labor according to His glorious riches as you continue to diligently carry out the Father's business!