Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.
Jeremiah 32:17
Jeremiah, a prophet warning Israel to repent and return to the Lord, prayed for understanding. He sought to comprehend why the Lord had instructed him to buy the field with money and call witnesses, even as Jerusalem was being given to the Chaldeans. Jeremiah confessed that nothing was too difficult for God, and God encouraged him. The Lord explained Israel's rebellion and the punishment of Jerusalem. He also revealed that despite the coming sword, famine, and pestilence, the Lord would not always be angry with His people but would fulfill His plans and purposes through them.
Jeremiah lived among a generation of Jews that would have a terrible time of tribulation because they refused to listen to the truth of God's Word. But despite all his trials, Jeremiah maintained his trust in God and never forgot that it was the Lord God Who made the heavens and the earth by His great power and by His outstretched arm.
May we also be like Jeremiah, who trusts God and stands firm even in this world where evil things are considered good and the good are turning into evil. Let us hold fast to what is good and continue the work that God has given us to do.
The God we serve is the one who made the universe, put the sun and moon to shine, scattered the stars in the sky, created us by His hands, and breathed life into us. With this truth, we can rest and know that He is in control as we allow Him to be. You may not see or you may not know the reason behind all the things that are happening in your life as you obey His word, but He is working. The God who made the heavens and the earth is capable of doing extraordinary miracles in your life.
Lord, everything that is impossible for me is easy for You!
Continue praying and serving the Lord; ask Him for wisdom; ask Him for answers. Tell Him all that you need, for there is nothing—absolutely nothing—that is too hard for the Lord. There is nothing that our God can’t do.