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Strength and Power

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:29

Even the strongest person you know has their own weaknesses and can still feel tired and weary. But regardless of how weak you may feel, those who "wait" or trust in the Lord will discover that He provides them with strength that surpasses their own. This verse serves as God's assurance and encouragement to all who are faithfully serving Him. Instead of giving up or burning out, God bestows strength that empowers us to continue carrying out His will. It is important for us to recall that God is a faithful and gracious God who fulfills His promises, gives strength and power when we are weak and weary, and even provides us with reasons to rejoice.

His promises are a source of hope and encouragement, guiding us through difficult times and reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles. At times, we soar like an eagle, other times we run, and sometimes we walk, yet we can consistently continue to do what is right thanks to the strength provided by Him. The key is to “wait” or trust in the Lord even when you think you can’t go another step.

He gives you strength!

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