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Unity Against Division

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Psalms‬ ‭133‬:‭1‬ ‭

We all need unity. We may be diverse kinds of people who have different plans and personalities, but this doesn’t affect the reasons for how crucial unity is, especially in our Christian walk. We are sons and daughters of God who share the same missions; these are to unify in following Christ and to make disciples in His name.


How can we do all of these if we don’t have unity?


Division, on the other hand, is what destroys things in every aspects. There is so much division among Christians, so let’s end it by coming together and making Jesus famous in every step we take and in the communities and relationships we are in. People may not be the same as you, but as long as we use those differences for the glory of God, for sure, we can accomplish so much more.


Imagine if all of us prayed for a miracle to happen. It would definitely have great results. We can accomplish so much more for God's kingdom together than we can alone.


Can you imagine, with all of the faith in the room, what the Lord can do?…


There is something powerful that happens among Christians when we are unified.


It is the Lord’s delight to see His children working together for His glory and honor!

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