Brother Jim, or ‘‘Pastor Jim’’ O'Connor Pastored his first outreach church in 1976, and completed his Ministerial Diploma with the Berean School of the Bible at that time and has since received his BA in Bible and Theology. In 1979 he attended a Youth With A Mission, Crossroads School in Solvang California. In 1980 he received through prophecy, during the laying on of the hands of the presbytery, the calling to ministry and writing. He was ordained into the ministry a short time later. It was during this time he received a prophecy from a Mexican missionary that in his later years he would be known in faraway places as the man who brings the word of God. For many years now this has been happening. In the mid-1990s, Keith Hazel said he had a vision of Pastor Jim setting in a warehouse full of food with him seated at a typewriter taking the food off the shelves and passing it through the typewriter and sending it to many places. This too is now a reality as his books have gone into many languages and nations. In 2010 the lord did the unexpected in joining Pastor Jim to Dolly who also carries the fire of the Spirit and a commitment to the nations the same as he does.
They have been led by the Lord to establish an interdenominational, international, nonprofit religious ministry. It is now recognized in the United States, the Philippines, and Liberia, West Africa, by the federal governments of these nations. Their ministry is not limited there as they travel frequently to the other nations, where they evangelize and preach among the missionaries and churches. They bring books, bibles, and encouragement to the believers as they minister in Pastor's conferences, crusades, and local churches. The bibles and books left behind have reached into many places that have been too dangerous for them to personally go. They spend their time divided between their home in Wolf Point, Montana, USA, and ministering in Africa and S.E. Asia. Their home base in S.E. Asia is the City of Bacolod, on Negros Island in the Philippines. Here they are developing a ministry center and a church. The land for the ministry center in Bong County, Liberia is also now paid for, with the improvements to come.
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